Friday, July 24, 2009

Almost too cute

This just screams joy and happiness. I love that they don't take themselves too seriously and dive into celebrating the occasion. I'll admit that I've watched this several times in the few days I've known about it. It is beyond sweet and makes me smile.

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Do not disappoint me

Quite possibly the funniest thing on Youtube right now. In my humble opinion at least.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The bread is here

and it was really tasty. Crunchy on the outside, warm and spongy on the inside. I will admit that this loaf was not my first attempt. I originally tried to make the bread with white-whole wheat flour and it absolutely did not work out. It was dense and couldn't property rise, but it still tasted decent. So for the second go around I gave in and just used all white flour. (oh well, just live a little Lauren).

I made a few adjustments to the recipe which helped the flavor and texture:

- I only used 1 1/2 cups of water instead of 1 5/8 cups
- I bumped up the salt from 1 1/4 teaspoons to almost 1 tablespoon

I suggest serving the bread right away after it initially cools, as it will be at the height of yumminess. If you decide to bake the bread and save it for a later date, plan on re-heating it in the oven for 10 min at 350 degrees. Because there is such a high water content, the outer crust will lose it's crunch which is one of the best parts of this bread.

I hope you take the plunge and make a loaf for yourself! I guarantee that if you share it with your friends and family they will never want to eat store bought bread again.

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